Brittany Gore

Brittany Gore's Fundraiser

Help me change lives, one diaper at a time! Help me provide diapers for babies of low income families!  image

Help me change lives, one diaper at a time! Help me provide diapers for babies of low income families!

Give today and make a difference In the lives of millions of families.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$250 towards $500

Let’s Stuff the Bus and make a difference in our community. Your participation will greatly impact local families making them healthier, stronger and more stable during these challenging times by providing diapers for their little ones. My sister got involved with Bundles of Hope and is there secretary. She introduced me to this wonderful organization. I had no clue until I got involved that food stamps do not cover diapers for babies. This is an essential thing that parents need for their babies so this charity changes so many lives and I am honored and so happy to be fundraising for Bundles of Hope to STUFF THE BUS!

As a non-profit, Bundles of Hope, is able to purchase bulk diapers at a substantial discount. Just a small donation will go a long way. Thanks for helping me meet my goal for Bundles of Hope Diaper Bank.